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Showing posts from October, 2018

C++ File Handling ( Write a File ) Beginner Programming

C++ File Handling Write A File Animated gif example  File Handling Write A File C++ File Handling Write A File for Beginners Lecture

C++ Exception Handling ( try catch ) Beginner Programming

C++ Exception Handling Animated gif example  Exception Handling C++ Exception Handling for Beginners Lecture

C++ Template Beginner Programming

C++ Template Animated gif example  Template C++ Template for Beginners Lecture

C++ Abstract class Beginner Programming

C++ Abstract class Animated gif example  Abstract class C++ Abstract class for Beginners Lecture

C++ Polymorphism Beginner Programming

C++ Polymorphism Animated gif example  Polymorphism C++ Polymorphism for Beginners Lecture

C++ Derived ( child ) Class Constructor Beginner Programming

C++ Derived Class Constructor Animated gif example  Derived class Constructor C++ Derived class Constructor for Beginners Lecture

C++ Inheritance Beginner Programming

C++ Inheritance Animated gif example  Inheritance C++ Inheritance for Beginners Lecture

C++ Access Modifier ( public , private , protected ) Beginner Programming

C++ Access Modifiers (public , private, protected) Animated gif example  Access Modifiers C++ Access Modifiers for Beginners Lecture

C++ String and It's Functions Beginner Programming

C++ String & it's Built in functions Animated gif example  String & it's Built-in Functions C++ String & it's functions for Beginners Lecture

C++ this Keyword Beginner Programming

C++ this keyword Animated gif example  this Keyword C++ this keyword for Beginners Lecture

C++ Taking User Input Beginner Programming

C++ User Input Animated gif example User input C++ User input for Beginners Lecture

C++ Member Initializer Beginner Programming

C++ Member initializer Animated gif example  Member initializer C++ Member initializer for Beginners Lecture

C++ Constant Variables Beginner Programming

C++ Const keyword Variables Animated gif example  Const Keyword C++ Const Variable keyword for Beginners Lecture

C++ Unary Scope Operator Beginner Programming

C++ Unary Scope Operator Animated gif example  Unary Scope Operator C++ Unary Scope Operator for Beginners Lecture

C++ Pointers Beginner Programming

C++ Pointers Animated gif example  Pointers * C++ Pointers* for Beginners Lecture

C++ Random Numbers Generator Beginner Programming

C++ Random Number Generator Animated gif example  Random Number Generator C++ Random Number Generator for Beginners Lecture

C++ Destructor Beginner Programming

C++ Destructor Animated gif example  Destructor C++ Destructor for Beginners Lecture

C++ Constructor Beginner Programming

C++ Constructor Animated gif example  Constructor C++ Constructor for Beginners Lecture

C++ for Loop Beginner Programming

C++ for loop for loop  know as loop making statement because it's depend on given condition  and increment value. for loop declare initialization condition and increment in the same line in for parameter. for loop execute loop statements multiple times depends on condition and increment . for loop statement execute loop statements while condition is true. while condition becomes false it'll goes out of loop Syntax of for loop  is very simple //variable initialization for (initialization ;  condition  ; increment ) { //loop statemets } Example for #include <iostream>   using namespace std;  int main( ){           //initialization , Condition , increment     for (int x = 0 ;  x < 4  ; x++){ // condition          cout << " Value of x =  "<<  x << endl ;         x++ ;...

C++ Do While Loop Beginner Programming Visual Studio

C++ do while loop do While loop  know as loop making statement because it's also depend on given condition  and increment value. do while loop execute loop statements multiple times depends on condition and increment . while loop statement execute loop statements at least one time without processing condition.  while condition is true it'll execute it again and again until condition become false. while condition becomes false it'll goes out of loop Syntax of do   while loop  is very simple //variable initialization do{ //loop statemets // increment }while ( condition  ); Example do While #include <iostream>   using namespace std;  int main( ){        int x = 10; //initialization   do {            cout << " Value of x =  "<<  x << endl ;       x++ ;  //increment   } while ...

C++ Logical Operators

C++ Logical Operators Logical Operators  use to provide logic in our program and we use them to compare between different values like  Greater than > Less than    < Equal        =  NotEqual    != We can use them between two operator at one time in one condition like Greater and Equal >=. while using >= and <= it'll execute statement if one of them is true either > or = we'll cover this below by showing example Covering core programming of C++ and while practicing basics we work with if else conditional statements , for loop , while loop , do while loop. we use them to perform different tasks it is depending on our needs. Example Program of Logical operators Example Logical Operators #include <iostream>   using namespace std;  int main( ){      int x = 5 ;      // Assignment Operator use to assign value     int y = 10; ...

C++ Increment And Decrement Operators ++ , --

C++ Increment & Decrement (++,--) In C++ Introduction & History we have discussed that C++ is real mature baby of C language but having additional features like object oriented support , classes, and other improvements to the C programming language. Then renamed as C++ with ++ increment operator. ++ increment or plus plus ( ++ ) operator use to operate special task.It is use to increment 1 in value of the object For Example let x = 5 using ++ operator after variable x++ will add 1 in the value of x like x = x + 1 now the value of x x = 6  -- decrement ( -- ) operator also use to operate same functionality like increment operator but it subtract one from the value of the object For Example let x = 5 using -- operator after variable x-- will subtract 1 like x = x - 1 now the value of x x = 4 There is slight difference of using increment and decrement ( ++ , -- ) operators before and after variable. ( x++ ,...

C++ Arithmetic Operators Visual Studio

C++ Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic Operators use to perform Arithmetic ( + , - , * , /, % ) tasks between two or more numbers like Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division and Remainder . + Operator also use to concatenation of strings and it will add 2+2 = 4 between numbers In below example we'll use all basic Arithmetic Operators to perform basic tasks. Simple Example of Arithmetic Operators Example Arithmetic Operators #include <iostream> using namespace std;  int main(){      int x = 10 ;      int y = 5 ;      cout <<" X + Y = " << ( x + y ) << endl ;     cout <<" X - Y = " << ( x - y ) << endl ;     cout <<" X * Y = " << ( x * y ) << endl ;     cout <<" X / Y = " << ( x / y ) << endl ;     cout <<" X % Y = " << ( x % y ) << endl ;  return 0...

C++ Data types & Variables

C++ Data Types & Variables Data Type tells compiler that what kind of data we are using if we need to perform Addition between two or multiple Numbers we'll use int (INTEGER), double (point value) , or other data types depending on our requirements. We use data type with variables or as a method return type. if we need to take Name of a Student  or any Character combination of Alphabets  then we'll use String or char data type. Variables are those names which are use to store values of different data types. value of a variable can be vari it depends on our need. in C++ every variable of different data type take memory space of  heap memory or stack memory to store values of different data types. Example Program of Variables and data types Example Data Types Variables #include <iostream>  #include <string>  using namespace std;  int main(){      string name = "ITECH TALEEM";    ...


JAVA INTRODUCTION Learn in 5 minutes and  practice in 2 minutes  Make you more readable person and also develop working Skills in your Fingers.   Lets Start... History Of Java ? Java Programming Language was written by James Gosling along with two other person Mike Sheridan  and Patrick Naughton , while they were working at Sun Microsystems on Green Project. The Green 'team' (Later, the company became Oracle ). They developed a programming language called “ Oak ” Oak is a symbol of strength and chosen as a national tree of many countries like U.S.A., France, Germany etc .” In 1995, Oak was renamed as  “Java”  because it was already a trademark by Oak Technologies. Why is the symbol for Java a mug of coffee ? it's from  Java  coffee. Java is an island of Indonesia where first coffee was produced (called java coffee). Gosling designed Java with a C/C++ style sy...