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C++ Basic Syntax & how to Debug

C++ Basic Syntax and Debug

In our previous post we create our first project and print out Hello world on console window without understanding of how this thing works.To understand how "Hello world" got printed we need to understand the Basic syntax of c++.

#include <iostream>
this line include header file of input's mean we need to perform input output tasks and we need to tell compiler we want to use it.

means preprocessor directive these are well defined directives it's means it's already declared we just need to utilize it in our program.

using namespace std;
this line use to include the standard library support in our program

int main()
every project have one entry point when we run or debug a program it'll execute main() function.

Return type of main() is int that's why we did return 0; at the end of the program.

cout use to print output of our program on console

<< is used to write to standard output.insertion operator pointing toward cout

"Hello world"
it's a string going toward cout << "Hello world" using insertion operator

endline:it'll flush your stream and transfer control toward next line
  1. #include <iostream>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main(){
  4.     cout << " Hello World " << endl;
  5. return 0;
  6. }

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C++ in Urdu Hindi Basic syntax & Debug Beginners Tutorial Visual Studio 2017


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