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C++ Function or Method Beginner Programming

C++ functions or Methods

A function is a set of different statements which is use to perform a specific task.

compiler knows that every name with () bracket is a function.

In this lecture we'll discuss built-in functions and user define functions.
functions provided by C++ are called built-in functions Math() ,rand()etc.
functions written by programmer In C++ program to perform a specific task depends on programmer requirements like addition between 2 or more numbers are known as User Define functions.

In C++ program there is at least one function,which is main() function. main() is the main entry point of a program when we run or debug a program C++ compiler looks for main function to execute whole program statements.

functions use to divide and organize our program in different functions which is helpful for finding errors if any appear during programming.
we declare a function using return type, function name and parameters.
Syntax of declaring function is very simple

returnType functionName (int parameter)
  // function statements
return type of a function tells compiler that what kind of value this function is going to return for example if we use int as a return type of a function it'll return an integer value. void return nothing.
programmer define name of a function and parameters to make a function signature.
A parameter is a placeholder. When a function is called, we pass an argument to the function. This value is referred to as actual parameter. The parameter list refers to the type, order, and number of the parameters of a function. Parameters are optional depend on requirement.
first we need to use function signature at the top and implement function body wherever u want in program
Syntax of function is very simple

int Add(); // signature
int main(){
   Add(); // calling function
int Add(){
   int x=5,y=5; 
retuen x+y;


  1. #include <iostream>  
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int myOwnMethod(); // function signature

  4. int main( ){
  5.  myOwnMethod(); // calling function
  6. return 0;
  7. }

  8. int myOwnMethod(){
  9. cout<<"This is my Own Function"<<endl;
  10. }
                                                Console :
                                                This is my Own Function
                                                Animated Gif of function or methods
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                                                C++ function or method for Beginners Lecture in Urdu Hindi


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